Please help us find out your special interests and needs. Fill out the information below and copy and paste and email to us at spay@alaskastop.org or click here for the Word version. You can also mail it to our office! Thank you! We depend on volunteers to keep our program going!


Name: ________________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________

Mailing Address:________________________________________________________


Work, Cell, or Message Phone(s):__________________________________________


Emergency Contact (Name & Phone): ______________________________________

How did you hear about volunteer opportunities with STOP the Overpopulation of Pets?

__ Veterinarian __ The Internet ___ Friend ___ Adult Probation Office ____ Other: _

Have you been referred to Stop the Overpopulation of Pets to complete court ordered

community work service?___Yes ___No If yes, how many hours do you need to volunteer for STOP and by when?_________________________________________________

Will you be using your volunteer time at Stop the Overpopulation of Pets to complete a

school requirement? ___Yes ___No

Will you be earning school credit for your volunteer time with STOP? ___Yes ___No

If so, how many hours will you need?

Education: __ High School ___ College ___ Post Grad Degree ___Other

Time periods that you are able to volunteer:

Weekdays: ___ Mornings ___Afternoons ___Evenings

Weekends: ___Mornings ___Afternoons ___Evenings

Please indicate your preferences. I would rather be:

___ Scheduled at regular times
___ Called for special needs
___ Responsible for a project for which I set my own schedule

Special skills:


Do you have any disabilities we should know about that limit you from certain tasks? _________________

Thank you! We appreciate your volunteering in our program!